This post will stay at the top until 12.03.13
Good morning everyone and welcome to my new follower.
I can hardly believe that on the 8th of March I will have been blogging for a whole year. What a year that has been. I have to say a huge thanks to so many people for the inspiration they give me with the amazing cards they produce, especially Bev Rochester, as if I had never found her blog I would never have started, mind you I would be a few thousand pounds richer and wouldn't have boxes of 'stuff' all over my house :). I wouldn't also be part of two of the best DT, and still can't believe they chose me to join them.
The other thing I am celebrating, or should I be hiding from is the BIG 60 on March 12th, a birthday I'm really not looking forward to as I think that means I am old :(.
Anyway enough waffle. To thank the people who decided to follow my blog, many of whom I think of as friends, I have a little candy to share with you. I will draw it on my birthday.
It contains:-
a Core impressions 12 x 12 pad( brown and cream collection),
20 sheets Neenah classic crest card,
Flexmarkers set 3 (13 pens)plus cool grey 4 and 5,
4 x American Seam Bindings,
3 x assorted flowers from WOC,
1 pk prima flowers pink,
5 x silver butterflies, and assorted charms..
I will delete any candy only blogs. But would ask you to show my candy on your blog and be a follower of mine, and leave a comment to enter. I will post world wide to the winner who of course will be chosen at random

Hi Eileen, congrats on your blogaversary and Happy Birthday for your big day, you're as old as you feel hun, it's only a number!
Thanks for the chance to win your super candy.
Hugs Sue W.
all the nice holiday. Viera
Congratulations on both events, enjoy. Thank you for the chance to win such fab candy. xx Flora
Such a wonderful candy Eileen thank you for this chance.
Congratulations on your up coming birthday and don't worry, 60 is the new 30!!!! Hugs Andree xx
Congrats on your blogaversary Eileen. I'm glad you started your blog as I love following you and you always make such lovely comments on my cards too.
Congrats to on your big Birthday next month. I don't think of 60 as old at all and you certainly don't look it on your photo!
Thanks for the chance to win such wonderful candy, I will go and add your picture to my side bar now..
Hugs Sue
Hi Eileen, Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy. I can't believe it's a year since you started,You have achieved so much and given inspiration to so many of your followers. Good luck for the big 60! who knows where you can go from here.
Congratulations on your blogversary Eileen. I can't believe you've only been doing this for a year! It's always a pleasure to visit and see your beautiful cards.
Thank you for the chance to win such fabulous candy!
Off to pop you in my sidebar!
Lorraine x
Wishing you many more anniversaries Eileen, love to pop in. Thank you for the chance of your lovely yummy candy. Hope your day is a special one and the age thing will go un noticed! Carolxx
congrats on the blogaversary (and the big 60 although we won't mention that if you prefer! My husband celebrated his 60 at the end of Jan lol!). Thanks for the chance to enter your fab candy draw!
Kim x
Congratulations on your Blogaversary and thank you for the chance to win this lovely candy.
Diane xx
Happy almost Birthday Eileen!!! I'm not that far away from your 60 years... Who says that's OLD? Bah humbug LOL!
I'm looking forward to working with you at The Paper Shelter :) I'm one of the newbies!
Oh... fabulous giveaway too!!! Thank you!
Love and blessings, Lori
Congrats - on the blogaversary and the forth coming big birthday - all the best people are born in March ;-)
I love looking at your cards - they are mini masterpieces! And wonderful candy as well!
Congrats on your Blogaversary Eileen, you have achieved so much in just 1 year! Congrats on the big 60 too, I agree with Sue - it's only a number! Thanks for the chance to win your lovely candy.
Hi Eileen,nice to meet you,I'm your new follower^_^
I found your blog while leaving comment on my blogfriend,thanks for the chance to win,I added your candy on my sidebar^_^
If you visit my blog I'm very happy^_^
I can't believe you've only had your blog for a year. Your cards are always so amazing & you're very generous for sharing this SWEET candy !!!
Hugs, Janie
Happy Birthday Eileen! Have a fab 60!! I don't think I would even look forward to 50. Anyway, that's life. Congratulations on your achievements as a blogger. I'm your newest follower.
happy birthday to you!!!!!!! hope you have a fab day!!!!! :)
So not only are you a wonderful friend you are also extremely generous with it too!! So, one year blogaversary eh? You have done a great job and I really love everything you make, your colouring and style are so fresh and you inspire me with every card you make. As for the big 60, you only look as old as you think you feel (or something like that!). I am 50 next year and have been worry about that for the last four years at least!!
Will put your candy up on my blog when i do my post on Sunday, in the meantime, take care honey and see you soon
Oh my thats such fabulous blog candy, thanks for the chance to win. hugs Shirleyxxxxx
Thanks for the chance to enter your fab candy draw! Happy Birthday Eileen!
Happy Birthday and Bloggaversary! I've just found your blog, and have become a follower.
My congrats to you, my dear!Thank you for the chance to win this yummy)))
You're only as old as you feel.
I love your cards, theyre gorgeous. You're verry talented so I should think you deserved your spot on the DT's.
Thank you for the chance to win this great candy.
Huggsss, Angelique
Hi Eileen congratulations on your first anniversary - how time flies. Your cards are always a delight to look at. As for the big 60 it is quite daunting but nothing we can do about it unfortunately. I will be 63 in July - doesn't seem 2 minutes since I was 18!!! Thanks for the chance to win some fabulous candy big hugs Susan xx
Your creations are very pretty. I am new follower. Thanks for the chance to win this great candy!
Happy Birthday and Bloggaversary! I've just found your blog, and have become a follower.Thanks for offering such yummy candy!! Linked it on my blog..Hugs Regena
HAPPY almost blogaversary!! That is so exciting. I think I have been blogging for about year, but haven't kept it up very well. You have a very lovely blog and make absolutely stunning projects! Thanks for sharing! Happy almost birthday too. :)
First of all. Happy upcoming Birthday! Thank you for having the challenge for this awesome gift. Somebody sure is going to be lucky.
Hi Eileen, what a wonderful blog candy, I have posted it on my blog and wish you a Happy Birthday, blessings Hilde
You are so generous to be offering this wonderful candy Eileen. I would so love to have a chance. I've linked to my sidebar and I'm a new follower. Thanks for the chance
Hugs, Rosalee
Hello Eileen gongratulations on your blogaversary and happy birthday.
This is my first time here and I love your blog ,You make such a beautiful cards,So I am your new follower.
I added your candy on my sidebar and like to make a chance to win.
If you will visit my blog I'm very happy to,and I hope you like it.
Sorry for my Englisch{I am from the Netherlands]Gr Elly
Happy birthday for your blog. I'm sure glad you started it up as it is always a delight to see the wonderful things you create!! And happy birthday to you and the big 60! I think it's fabulous and hope you enjoy every second of the next decade!!!
Congratulations on the big 60, I hope you have a fabulous day. Thank you for the chance to win this gorgeous candy, take care, love Jane x
Congrats for 2 occasions, birthday being the best though. Great candy. xxxx
WOW! thanks for the chance too win that big candy :O) and a nice blog you have.
Eileen wish you advanced Happy Birthday. Age is a feeling of the mind so 60 is no old age! My mum is much much older than you and I have never seen anyone younger than her in body or spirit!! So generous of you to celebrate your birthday in such a fabulous way. Off to explore your blog more
Dr Sonia
Cards Crafts School Projects
Hi Eileen..Happy Bithday...Lovely way to celebrate...
I'm new consequences on your blog, incredible beautiful cards you're doing :)
Congratulations on your blog birthday March 8 (on my birthday)
and happy birthday tomorrow :)
Jette from Denmark
Hey Eileen,
Am your recent follower.Discovered your Blog while visiting a blogger friend of mine. Am happy I found you. Lovely Blog. Loved all your projects- especially the coloring n the emellishments on them.
And for the giveaway, Thats so awesome. It is so generous of you to be offering this great giveaway. Have placed a link to your candy on my blog sidebar.Will be so happy if I win.
Thanks for the chance.
Have just found your blog from a link on a friends blog. I. Absolutely love your stuff so much inspiration thank you.
Thank you for the chance to win these! :D Fabulous!
Happy birthday Eileen :)
Hope u have a gr8 one!!
Thanks for the chance to win.. I'm a new follower. I'm happy to follow you.
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